I am Aware: My Takeaways from Lean In!

Have you ever been in a situation where you are following your daily routine at work, home, gym, in a public place, etc and someone comes up to you and asks you why you’re doing it this way or gives you an amazing insight into how to do it differently or efficiently?

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You can become the best version of yourself by…

June 30th 2017 5:55 am 

Word of the day: Fidelity (Exactness, being faithful)

Yoga Pose of the day: Straddle Forward Bend/Prasarita Padottasana 

Today will be great if? If I can start a little research on my Ph.d.

Daily Challenges: Ensa tasks, Machine Learning course, Apply Jobs, Washington blog

Affirmation: I have to look forward to my future making peace with my past as what’s done’s done

So, this was a quick sneak peek to my journal notes!

Continue reading “You can become the best version of yourself by…”

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